Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reynold Brown (1917-1991)

William Reynold Brown's was a prolific American artist who's career covered everything from comics, illustrations for magazines and paperback covers, fine art and inventing the concept of the "cutaway" drawing for North American Aviation. Some of his most popular work however was in Hollywood where he illustrated over 300 posters in many different genres. His most enduring work during this period were the many Sci-Fi/Horror posters he produced, some of them more memorable than the actual films themselves.
                  1970's H.P.Lovecraft adaptation The Dunwich Horror  was his last poster before he retired to concentrate on fine art incorporating his love of the American west. In 1976 he suffered a severe stroke that left his left side paralyzed and ended his commercial work. But with the help of his wife Brown continued to paint landscapes until his death.


As a bonus here are all 5 parts from You Tube of the fine documentary
about Reynold "The Man Who Drew Bug-Eyed Monsters" ...

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