Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dracula: Prince Of Darkness (1966) on WNEW's Drive-In Movie

Back in the 1980's I could be found glued to my TV on Saturday afternoons watching NY's WNEW channel 5's Drive-In Movie. Looking back their double features were the equivalent of having a Grindhouse movie experience in your own home. The films were a smorgasbord of exploitation: grainy Kung Fu movies, biker flicks, teen sex comedies, Japanese Kaiju epics, classics from American International Pictures and Hammer Horror films. Of course it was the horror/sci-fi flicks I tuned in for, and for me it was the opportunity to see some of those films for the first time. 

If your interested go to
for a terrific article and complete listing of films aired.

Here is WNEW's preview for Dracula Prince Of Darkness...

...the original theatrical trailer...

...and a couple of posters too...

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